James Cook Project


First Voyage

*James' first voyage started on August 26, 1768.

*James sailed from Plymouth in the ship titled The Endeavour.

*The point of Cook's first voyage was to observe the transit of Venus across the sun from the point of Tahiti. This means he wanted to observe how Venus' sun comes across the country of Tahiti. Although this was the point of Cook's voyage he accomplished many more things on his first voyage.

*To maintain food on Cook's first voyage he traded nails, iron tools, cloth and other things for pigs fruit and coconut.

*After observing the transit James and his crew set sail to find the continent Terra Australis Incognita. 

*When setting sail to Terra Australis Incognita James first came across New Zealand, where there he spent a few months charting its coastline.

*After James charted the coastline he sat sail to  what was the known as New Holland, but now known as "New South Whales." There Cook charted the eastern coast.

*When Cook finished charting New Holland his first voyage was complete.

Second Voyage

*1771 Captain James Cook was asked to lead another expedition

*The point of the James' second voyage was to determine if there was a south land in between South America and New Holland.

*Two boats were decided to be taken on the second voyage, the Resolution and Adventure.

*The boat James rode on on this voyage was called the Resolution.

In December James and his crew made the first accomplishment of the second voyage, they were the first ship to cross the Antartic Circle.

*Cook was close to discovering Antartica but turned a difrent route to head to New Zealand.

*Cook spent a few months charting the Islands.

*James visited Tahaiti once again.

*Only four people died in James' second voyage.

*Cook never found the Southern Islands on his second voyage.

Third Voyage

*James' third voyage started in 1776

*The point of Cook's third voyage was to find an easier route from England to Southern and Eastern Asia.

*On the third voyage once again Cook was captain of the Resolution only this time the Resolution was accompained by a ship called the Discovery whose captain was Charles Clerke.

*James by acidentlly discovered Hawaii. Cook was searching for a route to England and came across Hawaii. James named the island the "sandwich islands," but the name never stuck.

*James and his crew stoped at the Hawaiian Islands and James got killed by distrbued natives. Once this happened the captian of the Discovery, Charles Clerke took over the expedition.